Tag: m5

Sord m5's clones

Although the Sord m5 was not as popular as the ZX Spectrum, several of its clones were created during its era which spread under various names beyond the continent of Japan. Let's introduce them one by one.

Updated Sord driver in offcial MAME branch

I am happy to inform you that the improvements I have made to the already obsolete Sord emulator have been added to the official MAME distribution, specifically to version 0.171. Compared to the current
version it can now emulate EM-5 32kB, 64kBi, 64kBF and 64kRX memory modules. This allows you run programs that was not working due to lack of RAM. For this reason, another slot for cartridges was added
so that the memory can be "inserted" together with one of the Basics. Then there was added a modification called Brno according to the place of origin, which contains a CP-M with a 1MB RAM ramdisk. I intend to constantly improve this driver, if time allows. Unfortunately, after the official version was released I realized that I forget to add support for uploading LST files. If you need this function, download my version, which already contains this feature.

Můj první počítač

We all started with computers somehow, someone forced someone with enthusiasm. I can say that I fell for them as a boy and since I was born at '80, I started with 8 bits as there was nothing else. My brother and I longed for the ZX Spectrum, but Santa gave us unknown to us at the time Sord M5 původem z Japonska. Přestože se Sord prodával tehdy jen v Tuzexu nebo v bazarech, ukázalo se že nebyl v tehdejším Československu až tak neznámý počítač. Dokonce existoval i klub Sordistů veden pod Svazarmem 602 , který čítal desítky členů. Někteří z nich dokázali vylepšovat Sordíka např. o zvýšení RAMKY na 64kB (v základu měl Sord 4kB), RAMdisk, vytvořili tehdy u 8bitů vzácný řadič 3,5″ floppy mechaniky a převedli spousty  her z příbuzného systému MSX nebo naprogramovali emulátor her ze ZX Spectra. Mimo těchto aktivit vznikal nízkonákladový tištěný klubový skoro mesíčník, zdroj velmi cenných informací. Protože jsem objevil podobný blog I will only publish the missing numbers here. As I do not have permission to publish these documents and therefore, if it would bother the authors, I will remove them immediately. But I think it would be an eternal pity let their efforts fade into the abyss of history. At least for me, the Sord M5 was and remained a matter of the heart, and I doubt I'll ever sell it to anyone.
