Author: dlabi

Flexi Card story

The journey to Flexi Card was far from straightforward. Initially, I had no idea, and certainly no plans, to create a Flexi Card. I couldn't have anticipated everything I would need to learn, and that I would be capable of such a project.

It all started rather innocently...

Flexi Card

A multipurpose card that emulates ROM and RAM. The ROM content is loaded from the SD card, as well as single-part programs in machine code stored in the CAS format. Below I provide a complete guide on how to make own Flexi Card.

a memory of the old days

From game promo

It’s like opening a dusty old desk drawer and finding an undiscovered LucasArts adventure game you’ve never played before.

Power supply repair

After about 30 years, the original Sord m5 power supply started delivering unstable power levels. It stabilized at the nominal voltages a few minutes after switching on. So everything pointed to dried up electrolytic capacitors. The function of the computer was mainly manifested in the instability of VDP and video memory, where character sprites were greatly altered, image synchronization was unstable and iridescent colors ran across the image. You can see the said behavior in the video below…

OS migration from SSD to new NVMe SSD

It's not that complicated a process, but if you have an old motherboard without NVMe support and you want to use a disk for booting the OS, then it's more complicated. If your bios supports UEFI boot and you have an AMI bios, then the following lines will tell you how to do it.

New schematics

I've added few more schematics recently, for which I thank Roman Štec, who gave them to me, and also the author Jindřich Stuchlík.

  • FD-SIO-EM64
  • SIO

I've also added new redrawn FD-5 schematic and 2 block designs of Sord

You can find them here

From now on, you can read my posts in English

I’ve added language selection widget where you can switch from Czech to English. Not all posts are translated yet but I’m working on it so please be patient.

Sord m5's clones

Although the Sord m5 was not as popular as the ZX Spectrum, several of its clones were created during its era which spread under various names beyond the continent of Japan. Let's introduce them one by one.

Looking for digital copy

does anyone have this by any chance? I'm unable to find it anywhere
