Tag: sord m5

Improved SordM5 for Mess

After a long pause here on the blog, I decided to share my own Sord build for Mess. Compared to the original official version, my brother and I added a few interesting features to the emulator. To prevent the new functions from being confused with the original, we have created a new mode named m5p_lzr. Below are some of the new features

  • 64kBi and 64kRx memory support
  • F-block type support in tape recording
  • "Windows" starts by default, a menu that allows you to quickly launch the most used programs. According to the modification of Mr. Stuchlík and LZRsoft
  • ROM containing BI, BG, BF, MSX1.C and CPM
  • support for two 3.5 ″ floppy drives. Support for the original FD5 has been removed.(wasn't working)
  • added QuickLoad support, for loading programs directly into memory. I will add the m5q format specification later.

26/09/2014 version 1.1

  • added support for creating and writing dsk image disks (CPC EXTENDED) - probably it will still be quite buggy

Sord M5 programs library

My collection of programs for Sord, I'll digitize some more in time. They are in CAS format, which is the native format for MESS now MAME.Unlike the WAV format it is in a few kilobytes size. But I have to say that programs requiring 64kB RAM module will not work in old MESS, because in MESS you can't disconnect MONITOR ROM and cartridge programmatically and the program can't handle that. Therefore use the improved version here or newer MAME here

Please note that I am not the author of these programs. If the actual authors would mind me offering them here, please email me and I will remove them from the site.

All programs have been moved here
