
Sord utils 28/01/2024
Sord utils 28/01/2024
Sord utils 28/01/2024
Sord utils 28/01/2024
Sord utils 28/01/2024
Sord utils 28/01/2024

    4 Responses to Files

    1. dondrusco says:



      skusil so m stiahnut a spustit sord_revival, bohuzial mi zahucal na DLL kách



      Nedalo by sa to prekompilovat s nejakými novšími verziami? Pod Win 10 mi nejde spustiť ani po ich nakopírovaní




      Juraj Drusc

      • admin says:

        Normalne stahnete instalacni balicek pro VS12 a dllka se do systemu doplni.

        Taktez si prosim stahnete znovu i sord_revival v1.0 pridal jsem totiz do archivu jeste dalsi dllka ktere tam urcite take byt musi. Pak dejte vedet…

        Snad se casem dokopu odstranit jeden bug, kdy se nespravne ukazuje text vybraneho bloku a nejak vylepsim tu automatiku, ktera je ted docela na prd. Jeste chci upozornit ze je po startu aktivni “header mode”, ktery ukazuje jen bloky H, tzn. slouzi jen pro zjistovani co je na kazete za soubory, ale neuvidite az tak dobre, zdali vsechny bloky maji spravny checksum.


    2. Giacomo says:

      I recovered a Sord M5 computer with basic-i cartridge but I have no other software to try it and I don’t even have the recorder.
      I downloaded some games from your blog * .cas and tried to make them read to the Tapedancer application on Android phone. But I always receive error from the application. I then tried to transform * .cas files into wav (audio) files with msx castools application but this does not recognize the format. Could you give me some suggestions on which program to use to download software on the Sord M5?
      Thanks in advance

      Giacomo Gargiulo

      • dlabi says:

        hi Giacomo, I don’t know the TapeDancer app, so hard to tell if it can understand Sord .cas files. To be sure just use wav with regular sound player. I was using successfully my PC as player but phone should work as well. Just make sure loudness is set to high level otherwise Sord won’t read it at all.


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